Lancang River flows in to Pu'er City and then getting in to downstream zone双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治祭奠宠物。
The downstream zone includes Pu'er City,Yunnan Prov双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治祭奠宠物。
and Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治祭奠宠物。There are 18 ethnic minorities whitch are Hani, Dai, WA, Lahu etc。And except Dai in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture,there are also Hani, Yi, Brown, Jinuo, Miao, Yao and other ethnic minorities。
After Lancang River gets out of nation,it passes Burma, Laos, Thailand, Kampuchea, Vietnam and then gets in to the Pacific Ocean双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治祭奠宠物。
About 20 ethnic nations by the side of it and they are living together in peace together双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治祭奠宠物。
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